
my colourful muffins

Yippeee! I can make muffins and cookies anytime! Rey helped decorate the colourful toppings this time round.



Rey's love for board games has been going on for 1 year. His recent craze is Monopoly. For 5 consecutive days, we have been playing for 1 hour each time. It's an endless game. He's crazie about earning money, buying houses and getting into jail! Even at this moment, he is already waiting for me to start the game. I get backache for sitting throughout the game!

Mummy, are we saving the Earth now?

Went for a picnic. It was windy, just perfect for flying our kite.

Rey pigging out at the Botanical garden

Somewhere at the top of Kyoto station (East wing)

Rey has been asking me if we are saving the earth now and then, after we watched a movie of how Tetsuwan Atom (above) saved the earth. I talked to him about recycling, saving electricity, water, using less paper if not more trees will be cut down...but it's quite annoying when he asks this"Are we saving the earth NOW?" How to answer?



Rey's spring vacation has started. Good because I can sleep till Rey threatens to roll me off the bed. Bad because now 90% of my time is dedicated to him. Yesterday, Rey helped me bake cookies for the 1st time. The last time I baked was during the home econs lesson 17 years ago!
Anyway, I requested for the even-a-dummy-can-do-it recipe from Misa. I have to start from flour of course. And I am so proud of the success!

My cookies and muffins are not very sweet. It could have been sweeter but if you see the amount of sugar you have to pour in, your conscience will tell you to reduce that by 30%.
Ok, give you Rey's photos today too!

ojiichan and Rey

picking up acorns

this is what a cemetry looks like in Japan, neat and tidy.

a part of the crab set lunch, with raw crab meat.


Nice weather for a stroll. Rey loves picking up acorns to throw into the river later.


Doll's festival performance

Having missed his school for 1 month, Rey had only 1 week to train for his school performance. Luckily, it all went well on the actual day.

Good news, I tried making a 4th round of muffins, and it turned out well again! 50% passing rate for now. Today, we'll be off to the international community house again. Rey enjoys this international gathering alot. Going for sushi for dinner tonight. yummy!


It's snowing again, in the late afternoon in Kyoto. The weather is weird. It shouldn't be snowing in March at all.


muffin debut

Of the 3 times I had baked my muffins, only 1 was successful. Rey praised me by saying "are you a cooking mama (DS) like yipo?". And he proudly annouced over the phone that "mama made muffins, this time the correct ones!"
I don't care, I'm going to try 1 last time before resorting to buying muffins for the rest of my life. It would be much cheaper and less stressful this way!

Had a feast of Temaki-sushi on Sunday. You put sushi rice on a big piece of seaweed, decorate it with salmon roe, raw tuna, eggs, crab meat, cucumber, wrapped it up before you stuff it in your mouth.