
busy weekend

At the Esplanade
taking a break after the first half of the competition
We went to watch the International Band Competition at the Esplanade. It lasted 6 hours. We watched for 4 hours plus and gave the award presentation a miss.

Tanks and more tanks

At a friend's classmate's party in the morning.

A busy weekend with Rey even though I've got a test on Monday.


Cultural Festival

Most teachers wore costumes to school this day in celebration of Racial Harmony Day. I didn't as I had to attend NIE briefing after this.

Ballet Under the Stars

This is taken from Rey's 'Super Mario Castle'

You can see the 'Super Mario castle' in the background.

Doreen invited me to watch 'Ballet Under the Stars' last Saturday.
Rey told me he is more interested in hip-hop...



Since Rey has decided for himself to join his school choir, I brought him to this choral presentation at Singapore Conference Hall. The best performance was given by the HongKong's Children Choir.

The color for today is ...

Every Wednesday, the teachers, for no particular reason, will decide on 1 colour to wear. So there you go, different shades of green.
Next week colour? Blue.


nice weekend

Rey and Lousia's daughters

I thoroughly enjoyed my last weekend. Met up with long-time friends, went up the Esplanade roof terrace, listened to good jazz and rock music, food and we saw fireworks! Ended the day with Rey with this Merlion shot.



In the staff room

Bringing Rey to the campsite where the campfire event will be held.

The young teachers and Rey.

this kid loves climbing