
spring cleaning

It's time for spring cleaning again. For me, tidying up things only takes a short time because I enjoy throwing away old things. The only problem is that I'd always be stuck in memory lane for 1 hour whenever I come across valuable photos of my ex-schoolmates back in primary school. Perhaps it's not even a problem at all, but you start recalling the days of how young, fun, carefree, how energized you could still be even after long hours of ECAs, the nights spent at my 2 best friends' house before we skipped off to school for band practices on Sat mornings, cheering on friends downing concoctions of melted icekachang with whatever leftovers were available at the table....all these precious memories up to my very happening university days in Tokyo. There I met friends from different countries, organized our own international potluck every week at the dorm. All are doing so well now, 1 of them Helen is now a host for her own HK show 'tokyo walker'. This is not a surprise for me as she had always roamed Tokyo more faithfully than coming to school. She's just so cute and cool. To my friends out there, I know I should have given you a call or so, just to say hello and that I'm back. But if I hadn't call, you're dearly missed and not forgotten at all, it is just that I'm always finding the perfect time for a proper chit-chat, Rey is too noisy....ok, I admit that I'm just plain lazy.

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