
love triangle

This happened when I was catching my drama on viikii while Rey is (still) eating his dinner.
I must have looked too excited when watching the scene of girl A (good) sharing a ride with boy B (bad turning good boy) on the same bicycle, all this being witnessed by the evil 'girlfriend' of the boy.
I: This is so sweet....oh no, the girl sees it!
Rey: what's so interesting? (walking towards my laptop)
I: They're riding on a bicycle but the girlfriend sees it!
Rey: This girl is angry?
I: yah, never mind, she's bad. She's evil. It's a love triange.
Rey & I: whahahahahaha...
seriously I don't know why he's laughing that ticklish kind of laughter for like 3 minutes. He's too small to understand love dramas, right?

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