Went for Rey's sports day today but I'm just too tired to write about it. Will write about it on another day without having Rey asking "mummy, why is the pirate so scared of the crocodile?", "mummy, why doesn't Peter Pan have parents?" every second. See, I'm blogging (trying to) while rey is watching his fav Peter Pan show. But his 'why why why' questions keep interrupting me now and then. SO to end my ordeal, I shall just post a past video of Rey, dated about 1 year ago. In this video, Rey challenges himself on the the monkey bar. Maybe he was too tired after several tries before this. He just keep falling, real hard! and I convinced him that he fell because his hands were too wet from perspiration. Anyway, I like this video because he kept trying.
(taken last year, rey was 2.5 years old)
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