
Vending machines

For those who have been to Japan, I'm sure you have seen vending machines in restaurants. First, you decide on a set meal and then buy the coupon before passing it to the waitress. I have always thought this is very tourist-friendly since there are photos showing what you're ordering. Well, today Rey and I went to 1 such restaurant. I slipped in a note and within the few seconds when I turned to see where I can sit, Rey has already pressed 4 buttons on the machine. "whaa!! what did you press?!" The 4 coupons showed 2 set meals, comprising of fried lemon chicken meal + fried prawns with pork cutlet + (rice + soup + tofu + pickles)X 2 + fried squid + edamame (green beans). I thought, never mind, we can finish all that, maybe. I could have easily asked for a refund but was just too 'blur' to do that in the confusion. All the running at Rey's sport's day meet yesterday has not only half-numbed my limbs but also my brain. I prepared myself and threatened Rey to eat up all the food he has ordered without my permission.

The food came and it occupied the whole table. I have to ask the waitress to take away the teapot due to the lack of space. All the while when we were eating, I sensed this ojiisan ( Japanese old man) sitting beside us glancing at us now and then. Well, maybe he is eyeing on my half-eaten pork cutlet. I continued to nag Rey to eat up his rice. When we were almost done with our meal, the ojiisan spoke to us in English, "Are you from Malaysia or Hong kong, because you have an accent?" (all right, the Singapore accent, you mean.) At that moment, I quickly rewinded the past 30 minutes if I have said something offensive about Japan, this man, the food, or the restaurant. Nothing offensive, safe. And I kindly continued the simple conversation. Afterall, it's like 1 out of 10 possibility you meet an English speaking Japanese old man. All was well, until the ojiisan told me, "You have ordered too much food!" Urghh!! thanks for the unwanted reminder!

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