Rey's kindergarten sport's day event was held at a high school nearby. I surprised myself by not being the typical
kiasu Singaporean compared to other parents who had reserved their best view early and armed with the latest video cameras. Afterall, this is not Rey's 1st sport day experience. He has run in the town's sport meet for the past 2 years. Btw, we'll be going to another one this coming Sunday. The event started with all the children marching in, followed by the principal's opening speech. Here are the photos...

the entrance for children to march in. Look at the sea creatures the teachers made.

Can you spot Rey in his oranges shoes?

Rey's seniors doing human pyramid.

I'm a little worried...that's a girly pose!

They are doing the Ninja song.

He's got a real Hello Kitty medal!

A sushi treat for my boy at the end of the day.
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