
alien language

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See the words above? I was first quite amazed by one of my students' self-made language when I marked his composition. He can write 2 pages of such alien words as if such language really existed. One other teacher commented that she has an "Italian" in her class.
Yesterday, however, when I had to mark this boy's 6 pages worksheet, my volcano erupted.
I : You! Come here! Are you from Mars?
boy: No
I : Then you must be from Jupiter, right?
boy: No.
I : but you always write alien langugae? You think I am a genius? You think I can read your alien language? You want to waste this paper and my time? Do you want me to show this to everyone in your class? Go and erase everything now, no recess unless you have finished, and if I ever see this alien language again, I'm going to make you pay for the paper and I will surely send you to Mars!
sigh. I talked to his mother about it and even commented that his 'alien language is so consistent that I was quite impressed, really.

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