
I eat to ...

I have noticed that Rey spends exactly all of his $2 pocket money without leaving a single cent.

I: Rey, I am very curious. How did you manage to spend all the money everyday?
R: Oh well, I buy 6 30-cent sushi, and then spend 1 20-cent on seaweed. Sometimes, I eat less sushi so I can buy my drink. I always calculate before I buy. *grin*
I: (quite impressed with his calculation but pissed off with his spending) But you need to save some money right? Your froggy (piggy bank) is hungry.
R: I eat alot so I can hibernate you know. I need to store alot of food in my body!
I: Whaa. You go to school to eat or study?
R: To eat and then hibernate. Can you give me $10 so I can hibernate faster?
I: No need. you always hibernate when I ask you to study!

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